All Plants > Riparian (16)

If you're looking to plant in groups of like plants, these are plants that would grow well together in a Riparian community. Data seeded from Calscape and Calflora.

Common Name
Scientific Name
Sun Reqs. Height Humboldt Native
© R.A. Chasey
Red alder
Alnus rubra
50 - 98.4 ft
© John Doyen
Western columbine
Aquilegia formosa
1.5 - 3 ft
© glrbrg
California pipevine
Aristolochia californica
1 - 20 ft
© John Doyen
Douglas' sagewort
Artemisia douglasiana
8 ft
© John Doyen
Virgin’s bower
Clematis ligusticifolia
1 - 30 ft
© Julie Ann Kierstead
Seep monkeyflower
Erythranthe guttata
2 - 5 ft
© Adam Chasey
Wing leaf monkeyflower
Erythranthe ptilota
1 - 1.5 ft
© Steve Matson
Mahogany fawn lily
Erythronium revolutum
0.5 - 1 ft
© John Doyen
Frangula californica
6 - 15 ft
© Steve Matson
Large leaved avens
Geum macrophyllum
0.7 - 2 ft
© John Doyen
Western blue flag
Iris missouriensis
1 - 1.6 ft
© John Doyen
Hairy honeysuckle
Lonicera hispidula
4 ft
© John Doyen
Rydberg's penstemon
Penstemon rydbergii
1 - 3 ft
© Julie Ann Kierstead
Arctic sweet coltsfoot
Petasites frigidus
0.33 - 2 ft
Pacific ninebark
Physocarpus capitatus
3.3 - 8.2 ft
© Cynthia Griffin
Spicate checker mallow
Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata
5 ft